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Whether you choose Square (all purpose), Long (especially for neck & shoulders), or our pillow like Comfort Curve aromatherapy microwave heating pad neck wrap, you will certainly enjoy these comforting aromas from dried organic herbs as your pain and achiness fades. Or use our aromatherapy microwave heating pad as a bed warmer and drift off to sleep while the aromatherapy relaxes you and the warmth comforts you.
Our natural whole grain wheat filled reusable aromatherapy microwavable heating pads can be your moist heat or your healing ice. Freeze our aromatherapy heating pads or put them in the microwave and inhale the herbal scents that can soothe your soul.
Need to compare our aromatherapy microwave heating bags with other similar types? Check out our page and review the factors to consider
and make your own rating for our aromatherapy microwave heating bags. Click here to compare.
These herbal scented aromatherapy microwave heating pads have all the characteristics of our basic microwavable heating pads, but with the added ability to relax your mind as they relax your body.
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Click here to see Fabric Samples before you place your order. ~Matching Covers and Carriers are sold separately.