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These Comfort Bags are made by hand here at Lost Art Handicraft to help people who have problems with muscle aches and pains.
They help with stress headaches, stiff necks, arthritis, migrain headaches, pulled muscles, etc.
When you pop them in your microwave for a minute or two, they will provide beautiful moist heat that feels like heaven!
You'll be absolutely amazed at how wonderful it feels.
They're also great to reduce swelling when frozen for a few hours.
You may want to store one in the freezer for emergencies.
Or throw one in your bed by your feet for a foot or bed warmer!
It can make you feel pampered, warm, and ready for a great night's sleep.
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 So safe you can let your child with an earache or any ache go to sleep while lying on it or under it!
You'll never have to worry about them turning
the control up too high, or having an electrical
fire break out.
Great for the elderly, too. No worries!

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 Our Long and Curved Bags are especially designed for people with stress headaches, stiff necks, etc.
It lays right across the shoulders, up against the neck, and because of our unique baffles, the grain stays evenly distributed.
In minutes, you'll find yourself relaxing and feeling better.

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 If you've sprained your ankle or injured your knee, for instance, you can freeze the Comfort Bag, then drape it over the affected area for relief from swelling and pain.
Then after 24 hours, heat the bag, and have soothing warmth.
